What you’re paying for when you hire a professional photographer

Technology is usually the force that drives change.  In this situation, technology has definitely changed the photography industry.  Everyone has an IPhone, Pixel or Android phone these days and they usually have it on them all the time.  So, its optimal for capturing those special moments cause let’s face it a photographer is not going to carry their camera everywhere they go it’s just not feasible to lug a big camera around.  With the click of a button, pictures are made readily available for everyone to see and with all the filters they have available it’s not hard to make a picture from your phone look good.   Anyone with a phone can take a good shot without knowing photography basics or how to work a camera and its functions.  Many people don’t know what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to photography or running a small business.  What people don’t know is what, they are getting for that price, you may think is too high for what it includes.  If you’re one of those people that think hiring a professional photographer is too expensive consider reading further to give yourself a better clarification and insight on what goes on behind the scenes and the equipment that makes it possible to capture those moments. 

You’re not just hiring someone who takes pretty pictures because lets face it this generation has mastered taking pretty pictures when it comes to media such as Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat.  Your hiring someone who is stopping time and capturing those beautiful moments in life such as a milestone birthday, event or moment using professional equipment.  So, let’s break it down so you can understand what you’re paying for when you book your photoshoot with our company Harms Creations, Ltd.

Training and Education

We are fully knowledgeable of the latest trends and are constantly staying up to date on posing, new ideas, new tools, editing styles, editing trends and new locations.  We have a broad understanding of the key features of our DSLR cameras and its potential through countless hours of photo shoots, research, tutorials, education, classes and instructional material. 

Camera Equipment


Canon T6i, crop sensor, Black Rapid camera strap, Lowepro slingshot camera pack

6D Mark 2 Canon, full frame, Black Rapid Pro strap, ProMaster Professional camera pack


24-70mm L-lens

70-200 L-lens

24mm prime lens

50mm prime lens



Manfrotto Pro3

Lighting Equipment

Canon Speedlight 470Ex with Flash Diffuser Softbox

Fovitec StudioPRO 400

Lum Cube X2 with RBGY Color Gels

Studio Lighting Muslin and Umbrella Reflector, Softbox X4

Floating Reflecting White Walls X2

Travel time and transportation

We spend countless hours driving around Northern Colorado finding new locations, talking to building owners, driving to and from location to location for each photoshoot.

Editing Software

Adobe Photoshop Version 15-used for graphics and technical picture edits

Lightroom Version 6

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC

Adobe Photoshop Version 20


Studio Space and Location

We have a 1000sq ft studio above our barn with a full bathroom.  We have an abundant amount of props which includes: blankets, backdrops, toys, necklaces, garlands, headbands, hats, baby wraps and carpets.   

Data Storage & Computers

Asus laptop Intel Core-used to edit and deliver pictures

CyberPower PC-used to edit and deliver pictures

External Hard drive-My Book-used to store photos

External Hard drive-WD-used to store photos


Promotions/Advertising Media/ Monthly Subscriptions

Facebook promotions

Smugmug Pro Plan-Photo Online Gallery


OneDrive-Photo Delivery

Square Payment Processing


We invest in our clients needs by providing professionalism.  As a small business, we too need to make a profit.  Thus, we price our photoshoots accordingly to stay competitive with other local photographers and to meet the demands of our clients. When your hiring us to take your photographs, you’re paying for our time and expertise along with all the professional gear, equipment and technology as listed above.  This ensures that we provide the best we can for our clients.  As a consumer you want to make sure you are getting high quality photographs which is what we provide. And rest assure, we are always researching, reading, learning new things to stay current and competitive with the other local photographers.  This article was meant to provide a perception of what goes into providing this service to our clients in the most professional way we can.  It was also meant to educate the consumer on pricing and what your getting when you hire us.  Remember that the price comes with the quality and you pay for what you get.  Cheap work isn’t good and good work isn’t cheap.

Lightening Photography

Being a Coloradoan, I fully understand that we live in a desert climate.  The weather can sometimes be dry with little rain and hot and muggy with clear blue skies.  Winters can be harsh and unforgiving with heavy snow fall, bitter cold temperatures and heavy wind.  For a few months out of the year we get wonderful monsoon weather that rolls through. Many may not agree but I like to take advantage of the beautiful pictures I can capture during this time.

There are heavy rains that remind you of the Pacific Northwest.  Cumulus clouds stack up over the eastern plains that rise far above the flight patterns causing heavy rain along with static electricity.  Colorado has some of the most amazing lighting storms that can leave you speechless.  Being a photographer, it was my goal to capture a shot of one of these lightning storms

I worked on figuring out how to properly shoot lightening with the challenges of heavy rain, high winds and low light.  As I chased these amazing storms that rolled over the landscape, I was left disappointed as I was unable to get the shot I envisioned.  Coming close but never being able to get what I set out to shoot.

A few weeks ago, we had a fantastic lightening storm come through.  It had already been a long day; my spirits were not high nor did I have high ambition that I would capture anything.  But I packed up my family anyway and chased the storm.  I drove around for what seemed like forever missing my shot as I scoured looking for the perfect background.

I managed to find two great points of interest among the lightening of an old John Deer tractor and a Center pivot with a beautiful corn field.  I jump from the car, grabbed the tripod and camera set my focal point and depth of field, watch the view finder for that first strike working to find a good exposure point. 

 My tripod is set, camera level, remote controller in hand, deep breath along with a pep talk in my head.   “Please let this be the year I get this shot,” I tell myself.  As I hold my breath, click, you hear the shutter and no strike.  Repeat over and over again, hoping for that moment to be perfect.  The most frustrating part would always be exposure is perfect but no movement in the camera or the strike would be far right, left or dead center, all of the places you didn’t want. 

But then the perfect moment, a massive burst of light and I have my reference point for exposure.   Over the top of the old tractor set at an F 8.0, ISO 100, 30 sec. exposure I managed to capture what I had waited for all those years.  My perfect shot I’ve shared with you can be seen in our Landscape Gallery.